Trigger-happy policeman allegedly kills father of one over Okada accident in Abuja


Trigger-happy policeman allegedly kills father of one over Okada accident in Abuja

A Police operative on patrol at Kubwa, Abuja, on Wednesday night, allegedly shot and killed a father of one, Onybuchi Anele, with a teargas canister after a minor incident involving a motorcyclist.


Leadership reports that the incident happened close to Haj Estate, where the deceased lived with his young wife and daughter.


An eyewitness, who spoke on condition of anonymity said


‘’The deceased, while on his way home, hit an okada man and his passenger and after stopping and making sure the accident victims were okay, decided to head home in the Haj Estate when policemen arrived the scene.”


The eyewitness further explained that trouble started when the policemen who arrived the scene, decided that the deceased must follow them to their station even after the okada man and his passenger had left the scene to go. The ensuing altercation triggered quarrel, which led to the policeman shooting the teargas canister into the eye of the deceased at a close range.


The witness…

Source: Linda Ikeji