Construction Companies Fault FG On New Contracts’ Terms


Construction companies fault FG on new contracts’ terms

By Angela Atabo

The Federation of Construction Industry (FOCI), has expressed dissatisfaction with the recent standard conditions of contract and directives by the Federal Ministry of Works on road construction.

FOCI is the umbrella body for organised companies and stakeholders in the construction industry in Nigeria, responsible for the regulation of industrial harmony in the construction Industry.

The President of FOCI, Mr Vincent Barrah, stated this at  a news conference on Thursday in Abuja, to address the issues between its members and the Ministry of Works .

Barrah said that the FOCI, as the largest employer of labour in Nigeria after the Government, was also worried about the slow pace of work by members within the last one year.

He said that this had resulted in significant loss of employment across the country, thereby increasing the unemployment rate in the country.

He said that the situation if left…

Source: News Agency of Nigeria