Catholic church set to canonise 15-year-old boy who died from leukaemia as Pope clears way for him to become a saint


The first saint of the millennial generation: Catholic church set to canonise 15-year-old boy who died from leukaemia as Pope clears way for him to become a saint

A London-born teenager, whose proficiency at spreading the teachings of the Catholic church online led to him being called “God’s influencer”, is set to become a saint.


Today, May 24, Pope Francis declared Carlo Acutis, a 15-year-old boy who died of leukaemia in 2006, the first saint of the millennial generation.


 This means Carlo Acutis would be the first millennial – a person born in the early 1980s to late 1990s – to be canonised. 


The first saint of the millennial generation: Catholic church set to canonise 15-year-old boy who died from leukaemia as Pope clears way for him to become a saint


It follows Pope Francis attributing a second miracle to him. 


It involved the healing of a university student in Florence who had bleeding on the brain after suffering head trauma. 


Carlo Acutis was beatified – the first step towards sainthood – in 2020, after he was attributed with his first miracle – healing a Brazilian child of a congenital disease affecting his pancreas.


The first saint of the millennial generation: Catholic church set to canonise 15-year-old boy who died from leukaemia as Pope clears way for him to become a saint


The second miracle attributed to the intercession of Blessed Carlo Acutis was approved by the Pope following a meeting with the Vatican’s saint-making…

Source: Linda Ikeji