IFAD/VCDP: Enugu Govt. Inaugurates Rice Mills, Boreholes, Others In 5 LGAs


Some of the projects inaugurated  included two rice milling processing centers at Nenwe in Aninri LGA, Solar powered boreholes in Amechi Idodo and Mbulu Owo in Nkanu East LGA, Cassava processing centers  at Umuagama Ezimo, Ogbeke Nike  in Udenu and Enugu East LGAs respectfully.

Others are  market stalls at Umualor and Nkwo Mbu in Isi-Uzo LGA as well as Solar boreholes at Obollo Etiti, Ezimo Agu,  Ibenda in Obollo Eke in Udenu LGA and many others.

The State Commissioner for Agriculture and Agro Industrialisation, Mr Patrick Ubru, said the projects were in line with the vision of the state Gov. Peter Mbah,to eliminate poverty and developing agriculture sector.

According to him, most of the projects visited and inaugurated are channeled toward improving the livelihood of the farmers and ensuring that they do not produce at primary level but  also add value to their produce.

“What we saw at Nenwe in Aninri rice processing mill, when the farmers finish with their farming and…

Source: News Agency of Nigeria