Anti-corruption: Al-Habibiyyah Tasks FG On Partnership With Religious Organisations


Anti-corruption: Al-Habibiyyah tasks FG on partnership with religious organisations

By Suleiman Shehu

An Islamic organisation, Al-Habibiyyah Islamic Society, has urged the Federal Government (FG) to partner with genuine religious organisations in its fight against corruption.

The association’s Chairman, Board of Trustees, Dr Kola Adeyemi, gave the advice at a 2-day sustainability training on Anti-Corruption and Accountability campaign in Ibadan on Saturday.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the programme was organised by the Islamic Society for Imams and Islamic scholars in the South-West geopolitical zone of Nigeria.

Adeyemi said partnering with sincere religious organisations would help the government in changing the attitude of Nigerians toward corruption.

“Government should partner with those religious organisations that will not take advantage of their enormous influence in misleading the society, but use it to advance the course of governance.


Source: News Agency of Nigeria