Sanwo-Olu Promises Improved Traffic in Lagos


740b4425 babajide sanwo olu Sanwo-Olu Promises Improved Traffic in Lagos
Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu

Lagos State Governor, Mr. Babajide Sanwo-Olu, spent an ample time, weekend, at the popular Allen Junction on Obafemi Awolowo Way in Ikeja, monitoring flow of vehicular traffic at the newly re-designed junction.

The governor expressed satisfaction with the new layout of the ever-busy junction, following the removal of a broad roundabout to create seamless flow of traffic.

The Allen Junction is one of the vulnerable spots across the metropolis notorious for vehicular logjam due to the roundabout, which was identified as an impediment to free flow of traffic.

In line with his administration’s traffic management agenda, Sanwo-Olu awarded contracts for the re-designing and construction of the identified traffic-prone spots across the state. Sixteen highways are currently undergoing re-construction and junction improvements.

Three of the six junctions captured in the first phase of road improvement programme have been…

Source: Thisday Newspaper