Advocacy to Ease Sickle Cell Disease Treatment into NHIS – THISDAYLIVE


Beyond the pain associated with Sickle Cell Disease, the high cost of treatment is another burden borne by patients, which has increased advocacy for incorporation of sickle cell treatment into the National Health Insurance Scheme, Ayodeji Ake reports 

Even with her eyeglasses, her eyeballs were obviously wet as she was yet to get over her mother’s death. But given that she sat in a public space, she was careful to control her tears from  rolling down her cheeks.

 Oluwatimilryin Edwin took a deep breath, stirred for a few seconds, and blinked her eyes, gnashed her teeth as she reminisced. “The first thing that happened was negligence; she was in the private hospital for many days. She was ill and the doctor didn’t conduct a test which should have been the first thing. They just assumed and they were treating her as she kept deteriorating.

“She was in the hospital for probably five days and it took me screay for them to run her test that day and…

Source: Thisday Newspaper