NGO cautions on abuse of social media, entertainment


A Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) the Educator, on Tuesday, said that the abuse of social media and entertainment could be injurious to mental health.

The assertion was made at the conclusion of an International Mental Health Conference, which came to a close in Lagos.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the International Mental Health Conference is organised by an NGO, the Educator USA/Africa.

The NGO seeks to provide information and enlightenment programmes to manage mental health as well as ways to avoid depression and suicide.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN), reports that the aim of the campaign was to promote and draw people’s attention to mental illness and its long-term effect on peoples’ life.

A board member of The Educator, Mr Nnamdi Osuji, in an interview with NAN in Lagos said that depression could not be solved by sticking to the internet.

“A lot of people…

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