Growing the nation’s economic ‘pot’, any role for advertising?


NOT a few practitioners in the nation’s integrated marketing communications space, at the recently-held Annual General Meeting of the Association of Advertising Agencies of Nigeria (AAAN),  in Abeokuta, Ogun State, believed the topic of the event, Growing the Economic Pot: The Role of Advertising,  could not have come at a more auspicious time.

For instance, despite the much-touted relief, coming the way of the nation’s economy, after  going into recession in 2016, when  it contracted by 2.06%  between April and June  of that year,  many believe the effects of such relief are yet to be felt by many individuals , households and even  businesses in the country.

Interestingly,  analysts believe that  one  key sector that is truly yet to get out of the meltdown, despite the  clean bill of health the nation’s economy has been given, of late, remains the advertising sector;…

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