How organised are you? (3)


Tribune Online
How organised are you? (3)

Success, organize, wise counsel, integrity,conduct, responsibility, judgment, wisdom, 2019, purpose and assignment, unavoidable things, , committed to good character, Faith, principle , principles, power-slot, fool Commitment grow,business leadership attitude, leader

In the last two weeks, I have been helping you to be more organized as a leader, because it is impossible to be a productive leader without being properly and suitably organized. One of the major reasons you are not leading at your best is because you are not organized as you should. This Monday, I am going to be teaching you some principles that will help you to be more organized as you lead in your own sphere in Nigeria and across the length and breadth of Africa. Here we go!

To start with, choose a time with no distractions and sit down with your notebook and pencil. After this, go ahead and list at least six elements in your life that need…

Source: Nigerian Tribune