Man’s cruelty to animals


By Dr. Gani Enahoro

It was Mahatma Ghandi who once declared that we can “judge the morality of a nation by the way the society treats its animals”. In another instance, he modified this by saying “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated”.

When one views the attitude of our people today to the vast array of animals that surround us, either as domestic or those in the wild, or those hitherto domestic but have been made to appear wild, destroying peoples’ crop farms by their aggressive gun wielding herders, it is easy to imagine that Ghandi may have x-rayed us with his apt sayings.

Tribute to a gallant dog named “Teacher” who died in Maiduguri earlier in the year wrestling with a suicide bomber to save the lives of several Nigerians

Over the years, by our practices, we have not collectively demonstrated the right…

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