Yakasai faults call by NEF on Fulani to vacate the south


By Abdulmumin Murtala

Kano – Alhaji Tanko Yakasai, an elder statesman in Kano has on Wednesday faulted the call by the leadership of the Northern Elders Forum (NEF) and the Coalition of the Northern Groups, asking Fulanis in the southern parts of Nigeria to relocate to the North over fear of being attacked.

Tanko Yakasai

This followed a call made by NEF and the Coalition of Northern Groups on Tuesday expressing worry over plots to attack Fulani herdsmen in the Southern parts of the cou try and called on them to leave the region.

However, Yakasai, a member of Board of Trustees of Arewa Consultative Forum (ACF) dismissed the call, arguing that the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria allows everyone, including the Fulanis, to choose where to reside in any part of the country.

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According to a statement signed by Yakasai and made available to journalists, he said “I wish to…

Source: Vanguard Newspaper