Faith in the Redemptive names of God (34)


Jeho-shaphat (Jehovah Judges)
Text: Judges 11:27; Isaiah 33:22

Faith in the Redemptive names of God (34)

This redemptive name of God is a crucial one, and the last we are treating in this serial, that has a lot of lessons for us to learn in our covenant relationship with God, especially as Christians, unto whom the end of the world has come.

We shall look at this name of God in about 5-part serial, and may the Lord open our eyes to the truths therein and quicken us in accordance with His Word in Jesus name. When bringing issues down to the import of this name as it applies to us today, our Lord Jesus Christ will be seen as the embodiment of this name.

This is because, the Lord Jesus Christ Himself said it in John 5:22-23: “For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son”.

If God hath committed all judgment into the hands of the Son, for obvious reasons of His redemptive plan, what a shame then it is for anyone who refuses to believe in the Son and His redemptive work. John 3:18 says:…

Source: Vanguard Newspaper