Euro-Americo-Asian development experience: Lessons for Africa


opinion Euro-Americo-Asian development experience: Lessons for Africa


TODAY, European nations, the United States of America, and some Asian nations enjoy high productivity, manufacture many products and have mechanised agriculture, and they are rich. However, African nations only produce agricultural produce – farm products; African nations do not produce manufactured goods and they are poor.

Why is that the situation? History also revealed that the existing productive Western and Asian nations were poor artisan/craftsmen nations for about 2000-3000 years before they became industrialised, productive and rich nations.

Most of the nations of modern Western Europe were harnessed into the Roman Empire in 55 BC; the western portion of the Empire broke up in 406 AD. England was formed by the various kingdoms in the Island in the tenth century, while England and Scotland formed Great Britain in 1625.

Britain achieved the first modern Industrial Revolution, IR, in the period 1770-1850.  Other European nations followed the…

Source: Vanguard Newspaper