Jonathan and APC: Who is fooling who?


Retiree Resettlement Support Scheme

.Retiree Resettlement Support Scheme

I AM in love with the phrase, ‘political silly season’, which, I understand, possibly came from an article in the July 13, 1861 edition of the London weekly newspaper, The Saturday Review, and was listed in the second edition of Brewer’s Dictionary of Phrase and Fable. So iconic is the phrase that it has remained in use till date.

It is defined as a period of time in which the behaviour of an individual or group tends to become uncharacteristically frivolous, mirthful, or eccentric – a period marked by outlandish and illogical activity or behaviour.

It is understandable if in politics, the season is a time, especially just before the elections, when undeliverable promises and wild accusations are the order of the day. Politicians the world over make promises during political silly seasons they neither have the capacity nor intention to fulfill. They simply use those unfulfillable promises to wheedle the politically-unwary and corner undeserved votes. But…

Source: Vanguard Newspaper