Emir Sanusi holds maiden palace council sitting, 40 district heads pledge allegiance | The Guardian Nigeria News


The 16th Emir of Kano, Malam Muhammadu Sanusi II, on Sunday presided over the first emirate council meeting of district heads and senior traditional council members at the Gidan Rumfa palace.

Presiding over the maiden edition of the expanded council meeting, after his reinstatement on Friday by Governor Abba Kabir Yusuf, the former governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) has finally assumed the superior responsibility of the emirate.

With no fewer than 40 district heads and significant figures among the senior council members renewed their allegiance to the new emir, the raging tension around the emirship in the state has finally fizzled out.

Upon taking up residence in the palace, 40 district heads and council members prostrated themselves before him, signifying their official endorsement of his position as the rightful Emir of Kano.

Notable among those that paid homage were the five kingmakers, including Madaki, Wali,…

Source: Guardian Newspaper