LP Names Cleric DG Of Gov’ship Campaign Council For Edo Poll


The Labour Party (LP) in Edo State on Wednesday inaugurated its campaign council ahead of the September 21, 2024 governorship election in the state, announcing a clergyman, Bishop Sam Omede as the director general of its campaign council.

The party also said other sub-committees were constituted to work for the actualisation of Bar Olumide Akpata’s governorship ambition.

Speaking, the Labour Party’s governorship candidate, Bar Akpata said he was excited over the campaign council, expressing confidence that the party will emerge victorious in the election due to the personalities assembled to lead his campaign.

He said, “I am extremely excited, I am extremely very grateful to God. Today is a significant milestone in our party’s campaign. I have full confidence in the team. The party has chosen right.

“If you listen carefully to the array of names that were mentioned, you see that they are seasoned gentlemen and ladies, they are loyal party men. The journey to government house is…

Source: Leadership Newspaper