ABU Zaria allegedly asked to pay debt of over N931 million to Kaduna Electricity Distribution Company or risk disconnection


ABU Zaria allegedly asked to pay debt of over N931 million to Kaduna Electricity Distribution Company or risk disconnection

The Kaduna Electricity Distribution Company has allegedly served Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, with a disconnection notice.


According to KEDC, ABU is owing an outstanding balance of N931,479, 317.84.


The power distribution company ‘issued the notice’ on April 4, 2023,  and threatened to disconnect the institution’s power lines. It added that the debt will have to be paid before reconnection takes place.


“Please settle your debt,” KEDC remarked in the notice addressed to the Vice Chancellor of ABU.


ABU Zaria allegedly asked to pay debt of over N931 million to Kaduna Electricity Distribution Company or risk disconnection

Source: Linda Ikeji