This administration has taken decisions that were wrongly implemented and have led to impoverization of the economy and Nigerians


Former President Olusegun Obasanjo has taken a swipe at President Bola Tinubu over some of his policies. 

In a statement issued in Abeokuta on Sunday, May 26, Obasanjo said this administration has taken three decisions, two of which are necessary but wrongly implemented and have led to the impoverization of the economy and Nigerians.

“The present Administration has not found the right way to handle the economy to engender confidence and trust for investors to start trooping in.

“Today, the government has taken three decisions, two of which are necessary but wrongly implemented and have led to impoverization of the economy and of Nigerians. These are removal of subsidy, closing the gap between black market and official rates of exchange and the third is dealing with a military coup in Niger Republic.

“The way forward is production and productivity which belief and trust in government leadership will engender. No shortcut to economic progress but hard work and sweat.


Source: Linda Ikeji