Empowerment: FG Awards PWDs, Other Entrepreneurs Start-up Kits


By Lucy Ogalue

The Small and Medium Enterprises Development Agency of Nigeria (SMEDAN) has awarded start-up kits to some Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) and other entrepreneurs to grow their businesses.

The Director-General of SMEDAN, Mr Charles Odii, announced the gesture on Friday in Abuja.

Odii said that the empowerment was done under the National Business Skills Development Initiative (NBSDI) of the agency.

He restated the Federal Government’s commitment to ensuring an inclusive government that leaves no one behind, especially the youth, women and PWDs.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that no fewer than 55 persons were trained and awarded certificates and start-up kits in the Federal Capital Territory.

Of the number, 35 who trained in fashion designing received industrial machines and 10 participants, who trained in catering, received mixers, gas cylinders and an industrial oven each.

The participants, who trained in leather works, were also equipped with the…

Source: News Agency of Nigeria