Zambia explores collaboration with NiDCOM on diaspora engagement


By Maureen Okon

A delegation from Zambia on Thursday visited the Nigeria Diaspora Commission (NiDCOM) in Abuja to study its approach in engaging with Nigerians in the diaspora and how that affects the economy of the nation.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the team, led by Zambia’s Assistant Labour Commissioner, Ms. Mukamasole Kasanda, was also accompanied by some officials of the International Organisation for Migration (IOM).

She said that the aim was to leverage the experience of Nigeria to strengthen Zambia’s diaspora engagement.

The official applauded NiDCOM for its efforts in the last few years, and said Zambia would learn from its experience.

“We are looking at establishing a migration resort center and in the last two days, this has been our homework.

“Your Constitution now allows for dual citizenship and it is a plus, we also worked on our constitution recently and one of the issues we looked at was to ensure that there was dual citizenship.


Source: News Agency of Nigeria