Menstruation: NGO Advocates Tax Removal On Sanitary Pad


By Justina Auta

An NGO, FemPawa Africa, has urged government to remove all taxes on menstrual pad to enable women and girls buy it, especially those in rural areas.

The Founder of the organisation, Dorkong Rimdam, made the call during an outreach at Government Secondary School, Bwari in Abuja on Saturday.

Rimdam said high cost of sanitary products, especially menstrual pad, was part of the challenges affecting girls’ health and education in the country.

She added that the cost often force girls to resort to unsafe alternatives during menstruation.

She said “if we can have free condoms, why can’t we have free pads, if we have have free toilet rolls in the bathroom, so why not pads?

“Sex is an option but menstruation is not a choice, and a lot of women and girls cannot access sanitary pads.”

According to her, removing tax on sanitary pads will help to reduce the cost and enhance accessibility and affordability for women.

“A pack of 10 pieces of sanitary pad is…

Source: News Agency of Nigeria