Electricity: Stakeholders bank on CBN’s $250m fund to boost supply




By Obas Esiedesa, Abuja

Power sector stakeholders have expressed optimism that operators of the Nigerian Electricity Supply Industry, NESI, in the country would leverage on the $250 million intervention fund set up by the Central Bank of Nigeria, CBN, to improve transmission and distribution infrastructure across the country.

The fund is designed to urgently fix existing dilapidated infrastructure in the area of electricity distribution and transmission would enable the Transmission Company of Nigeria, TCN, wheel more electricity on the short and enable distribution companies, DisCos, procure and repair their key interface infrastructure.

Although existing challenges, especially unsettled management issues have hindered some DisCos from accessing the fund, there are indications that some DisCos have ordered thousands of transformers, as some of the utility companies have been provided about N6 billion under the initiative.

Speaking on the fund in Abuja, energy…

Source: Vanguard Newspaper