Fubara plans to demolish Rivers Assembly quarters


Following a brief stopover by the Rivers State Governor, Siminialayi Fubara, at the official residential quarters on Port Harcourt/Abe Road, on Thursday afternoon, the speaker Martin Amaewhule has raised an alarm that there are hints that the Governor wants to demolish the quarters.

Amaewhule, who granted an interview shortly after the Governor’s unscheduled visit, lambasted Fubara of meddlesomeness, alleging that he (Fubara) wants to demolish the edifice built by his predecessor that was adjudged as the best in the country.

He alleged that Fubara is taking action against the constitution of Nigeria which he described as an assault on the tenets of democracy

According to him: “We do not know why the Governor has resorted to self-help and he has shown that he is a violent man.

“Today the Governor came in person to our residence with his tugs and some of them scaled the fence while he broke our gate to gain access….

Source: Guardian Newspaper