Sultan Decries Public Officials Hoarding Of Wealth


The Sultan of Sokoto, Alhaji Muhammadu Sa’ad Abubakar, has lamented the hoarding of wealth by public officials.

He called for comprehensive measures to curb corruption and promote fairness in the country.
Most Nigerian leaders live larger than life, flaunt ill-gotten wealth while the citizens live in abject poverty.
The World Poverty Clock in a 2023 report reported that there were 71 million extremely poor Nigerians.
The World Poverty Clock is a tool used to track poverty progress worldwide.

The National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) classified 133 million Nigerians as multidimensionally poor.
The Sultan, who spoke in Abuja yesterday at the 2024 first quarterly meeting of the Nigeria Inter-Religious Council (NIREC) with the theme: “The Role of Religious Leaders in Combating Corruption and Cybercrime,” queried why corruption has refused to go in Nigeria.

He stressed the need to commission a study to find out why we are being beleaguered with corruption.
Sultan Abubakar said,…

Source: Leadership Newspaper