Nigeria, Transitioning From Monocultural Economy Under Tinubu’s Administration -Alake


Nigeria, transitioning from monocultural economy under Tinubu’s administration -Alake

By Martha Agas

The Minister of Solid Minerals Development, Dr Dele Alake, has said that Nigeria was transitioning from a mono-cultural economy under President Bola Tinubu’s administration.

Alake stated this during the Ministerial Sectoral Update on the performance of the President Bola Tinubu’s administration in the last one year, on Thursday in Abuja.

He said that the President priortised economic diversification in his eight priority areas.

He noted that sectors such as the solid minerals and agriculture were not given the sufficient attention to thrive in other administrations.

“Since May 29 last year, on assumption of our President, there have been a major plan of the renewed hope agenda, which is contingent on the diversification of the economy away from oil,” he said.

He said that global upsurge in energy transition has led to the focus on green energy, which relied on…

Source: News Agency of Nigeria